he has gone,go well our all time player Brad Arthur died just now duri…..

he has gone,go well our all time player Brad Arthur died just now duri…..
NRL: Parramatta Eels failures amid big expectations, five recent examples


In a bittersweet moment for fans of the Parramatta Eels, veteran player Liam Johnson has announced his departure from the club after a distinguished career spanning over a decade. The news, shared by Johnson himself in a heartfelt statement on social media, marks the end of an era for the beloved player and the team he has proudly represented for so many years.

Johnson, who has been a mainstay in the Eels lineup since making his debut in 2010, expressed his gratitude to the club, his teammates, and the fans for their unwavering support throughout his tenure. “It has been an honor to wear the blue and gold jersey for the past twelve years,” he wrote. “But the time has come for me to move on to the next chapter of my career.”

The departure of Johnson leaves a void in the Eels lineup both on and off the field. Known for his leadership qualities, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the team, Johnson leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered by fans for years to come.

Parramatta Eels head coach, Rachel Williams, praised Johnson for his contributions to the club and wished him well in his future endeavors. “Liam has been a true professional and a valuable member of our team,” she remarked. “His leadership and experience will be missed, but we understand his decision and wish him all the best for the future.”

As Johnson bids farewell to Parramatta and looks ahead to the next chapter in his career, fans are left to reflect on the countless memories he has provided over the years and to celebrate his significant contributions to the club.


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